How can we help?

At Krause House Farms, we take pride in producing naturally raised premium farm products and produce without synthetic fertilizer. Our salad mix, eggs, mushrooms, and tomatoes are all grown responsibly and with care.

Connect with your farmers!

Whether you have questions about our farm produce, want to inquire about bulk orders, or simply want to share your thoughts, we'd love to hear from you. Fill out the contact form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Your feedback and inquiries are valued as we grow together!

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We grow our popular Premium Salad Mix all months of the year, save for December and January. All our other produce is seasonal.

We observe all organic practices, including refraining from using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. However, we are not USDA certified organic, but stay tuned!

You bet! Just use the contact button to arrange a visit.

We do. We offer a number of our high-volume products such as our premium salad mix, seasonal heirloom tomatoes, and mushrooms to retail and restaurant customers.